Marks Viva Total
Semester – I 800 25 825
Semester – II 800 25 825
Total 1600 50 1650
Semester – III 800 75 875
Semester – IV 800 800
Project Report 75 75
Comprehensive Viva 100 100
Total 1675 225 1850
GrandTotal 3275 225 3500

The aggregate percentage of marks secured by the student in both first and second years combined shall be converted into letter grades for the award of Post Graduate Diploma in Management of Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies (AIMS). The Institute follows the letter grade system as given below :

Marks secured(%) Grade Points
75 and above O
70 + but < 75 A+
60 + but < 70 A
55 + but < 60 B+
50 + but < 55 B